weevil news

A Note About Our Ethics And Editorials

It's become apparent that, in our fledgling days as a publication, many people here in New Alexandria are not yet accustomed to the new ethics of journalism that have developed in our industry. There is this pervasive idea that everything printed in a publication represents the position of the paper and its editor. We here at Weevil News would like to take a moment to clarify our stance on ethical journalism.

We believe that it is not the role of news outlets to keep everyone happy. If everyone is happy with all of the stories we print, we have not tried hard enough to uncover the truth. The truth rarely appeals to everyone, nor is it ever black or white. The world of gray in between is a world of disappointment, but in it lies enlightenment. Our job as journalists is to shed light on the facts as we can ascertain them, to the best of our abilities.

Furthermore, it is not the job of the news to remain completely unbiased. While there is rarely a clear answer to any situation, it also does a disservice to our readers to pretend as if there is always an equal middle ground. It is our job to duly draw reasonable conclusions from the facts we are able to obtain and report them as such. However, that does not mean that we start from a conclusion and only seek out the facts to support that conclusion, nor do we ignore facts that run contrary. We present all of the facts we can confirm and only then draw our conclusions. In that way, we best serve the interests of the people to be as fully informed as possible.

Finally, let us clarify our stance on editorials. There are many occasions in which a public figure or person of interest will approach our publication with a piece they have written representing their own thoughts on a topic or situation. It is not our job to concur with their position or represent it as our own. Rather, it is our job to decide if the letter is of public interest and to publish it for our readers. At times, we may even have our own coverage presenting a different viewpoint from the editorial. Regardless, our readers must know that an editorial represents only the opinion of its author and not that of Weevil News.

We at Weevil News feel our continued commitment to transparency and honest communication serves the best interests of our readership and the general public. We will further strengthen our efforts to seek out and represent the truth to the best of our abilities, and we welcome further conversations with engaged citizens about the role of journalism and ethics in our society. Most of all, we thank you, the citizens of New Alexandria, for your continued patronage and support of our mission!

At Lemoyne Fried Chicken, Communication Is Key

The delicious food at Lemoyne Fried Chicken doesn't come for free. Mr. Sanders and his crew work hard to keep their breasts plump and bottoms juicy, and there's nothing more important to them than open and honest communication in their work. If you're going to be handling lovely breasts on a daily basis, it's critical to ensure that everyone involved is on the same page.

The day starts by coming in the back door, where personnel await providing protection and safety for the incoming deliveries. They communicate with the load distributors to ensure everything ends up where it's supposed to be and that nothing unexpected gets snuck through the rear entrance. Once deliveries have been made, they hand the chicken over to the handlers who are responsible for preparing the product for the main event. These individuals lovingly caress the breasts, bottoms, and thighs, making sure they're washed and cared for. It's important to make sure nothing is left out; there must be plenty of communication to ensure full coverage and attention to every area.

Once the parts have been properly readied, that's when it's time to really dive in. The next employee carefully covers them in hot oils, paying special attention to the particulars specified by their partner who took care of preparation. Every breast and bottom is different; while LFC strives to keep them all plump and juicy, they also recognize that each requires special treatment to elicit the best response from their customers. Clear communication allows them to understand the specific dimensions they're working with, to ensure that the proper time and care has been spent in perfectly frying the product.

Finally, those working in the Missionary position must be in constant communication with their customers. Each customer has unique needs to be met, and their preferences will vary widely. A good Missionary can probe those needs with precision and delicate attention to detail, ensuring satisfaction every time. However, that end results starts from excellent communication. If you don't understand what they're asking for and what they really want, how can you properly service someone? That's the core question that drives Lemoyne Fried Chicken's approach to customer service, and it's why they are renowned for maintaining repeat business. Communication between the LFC family, its partners, and their customers is the key to their continued success!

Burton Allegedly Kills Horse, Threatens Charges

Mato Hanska loved his horse, Whichahpi. A beautiful Missouri Fox Trotter, she would receive compliments from strangers all the time. Rider and horse were hardly separable, a pair that cared for each other and went everywhere together. That is, until the untimely passing of Mr. Hanska's beloved mount, the second horse he's lost since coming to New Alexandria. What follows is his personal account of the events that led to this tragic death, not a statement of fact by Weevil News, who has been unable to reach the person allegedly responsible for this incident for comment.

As a security professional, Mato works hard to protect others, and that's what he was doing on Sunday, August 23rd. Coming back from Cumberland Forest, he had been passing through Valentine on his way to the Wapiti reservation. He'd heard that two of his friends had been hit by a train, and that one of them may have been taken north for treatment by natives in the area. Though he was concerned for the safety of his friends, Mr. Hanska made sure to ride carefully through town so as not to be a danger to anyone on the road or suffer the withering injunction of vigilant deputies.

As he was riding through the intersection near the graveyard on the east end of town, Mato says that he came to a stop to let traffic pass and suddenly heard a rumbling approaching. The next moment, he saw Undersheriff Jack Burton fly out of nowhere on a small hunting cart, swerving through the road at incredible speeds. Having already stopped at the intersection, he was unable to move his horse before the cart plowed into them both, sending Mr. Hanska flying. The last thing he remembers is being carried into the doctor's office by Mr. Burton before he passed out from his injuries.

When he woke up, Mato learned the horrible news; his horse had been killed in the collision. When he spoke with the deputies later, he told Undersheriff Burton and another deputy that he wanted to look at their reports of the incident in order to ensure that it reflect his own recollection of events. It was at this time he was informed that there was no report due to no crime being committed, though it was threatened that they could write Mr. Hanska up for "obstruction of justice". Apparently, the Undersheriff had been chasing down and shooting at a local, and he considered the collision an attempt by Mato to interfere with his duties as law enforcement.

That was not the only threat that was allegedly made, however. Mato claims that Mr. Burton threatened to have Sheriff Jackson take him down to the swamp and shoot him, though it's not clear why such a threat would be made by an officer of the law. Regardless, with the Undersheriff refusing to compensate him for the loss of his horse and no report being written of the incident, Mr. Hanska felt compelled to file a civil action to receive recompense.

This case, Mato Hanska v. Jack Burton, has been scheduled to take place on Thursday, September 3rd, at 3 pm by the Eastern clocks. The arguments will be heard by Chief Justice Underwood in District 4, at the Bastille Courthouse in Saint Denis. The plaintiff will be represented by Joshua "JD" Holliday, while Undersheriff Burton appears to have decided to represent himself. At one point Attorney General Alexander Jefferson was involved in the matter, but the judge ruled that the Sheriff's Office itself could not be sued. At that point, he recused himself from the matter after it was also ruled that Mr. Burton could not be classified as an "agent of the state" in this context and thus immune from liability for these events. Mr. Holliday also extended a public settlement offer to Mr. Burton to avoid going to court, but that appears to have been rejected as the case is moving forward at this time.

Despite the alleged actions in this civil case, Mr. Hanska would like to make it clear that he doesn't begrudge Undersheriff Burton doing his job. He feels that there was no malice in the incident; that the collision was an honest mistake by the defendant. He merely wishes to be compensated for the loss given the alleged fault of Mr. Burton, hoping that he realizes that anyone can make mistakes and should own up to them. Even if he doesn't win, he hopes to shed light on potential abuses of power where members of the Sheriff's Office act as if they can do no wrong even when they have made a clear mistake. He believes that such actions make it harder for the other deputies to do their jobs and command the respect they deserve for their hard work.

The people demanded reform from its government in who they elected this month, and it's about time we see that take effect, Mr. Hanska says. Regardless, it is now up to the courts and Chief Justice Underwood to seek the truth and a fair ruling on this matter. Weevil News is certain that the statements of Mr. Hanska, Mr. Burton, and the named witnesses will reveal the truth of this matter, and it will be resolved fairly to the satisfaction of all.

Colt Wilder Pronounced Dead In Blackwater

Weevil News is saddened to announce the passing of one Colt Wilder. On August 23rd, this unfortunate man was the victim of a horrible explosion in Blackwater. While trying to rescue his friend trapped in a carriage, Mr. Wilder was caught in an explosion emanating from the vehicle. He was rushed to the medical tent nearby for treatment, but he perished from his injuries.

While reports say that four to six others were incapacitated by the blast, it appears that no others were mortally wounded. Mr. Wilder's brave efforts managed to save his friend's life and many others who may have been killed in the blast had he not intervened. For his efforts, however, Colt lost an arm and a leg to the explosion, and his lungs collapsed from the impact. The injuries were too severe for doctors to save him, unfortunately.

Mr. Wilder's brother, Kano Wilds, shared a few words on the passing of his brother. Colt was a kind soul, he said, though they unfortunately hadn't seen each other since they were lads. Mr. Wilds had received a letter from his brother in the days before his death, prompting him to travel to Blackwater for a reunion. Sadly, he was unable to reach New Alexandria in time to see his brother alive. Weevil News extends our condolences to Mr. Wilds and the other friends and family of Mr. Colt Wilder, whose untimely passing is tragic indeed. His final moments proved the man to be a great friend, who even sacrificed his life for the protection of others. He will truly be missed.

Devine Drops Executive Surprise

It appears that though New Alexandria thought it was done with Frank Devine, he was not done with them. The former Governor, known for delaying action on legislation passed by the state representatives, released a bevy of "Executive Orders" just hours before he left office. On the day that Governor Flanagan was inaugurated, she was greeted by six announcements that drastically changed the world she was set to govern.

The first order, E.O. 001, established a system for Executive Orders. Devine ordered the establishment of a legal framework by which the Governor can direct the government to take actions beyond the assigned scope of their abilities according to the state constitution. While these orders can be remanded by the Judiciary and are restricted from violating signed bills from the Legislature, they otherwise take immediate effect and appear to give the Governor near-unlimited authority. In fact, considering that state representatives require the Governor's signature to pass any and all legislation, it's unclear how they could even pass laws to override an Executive Order without the Governor's approval.

The second order, E.O. 002, provides sole authority to the United States Congress to appoint successors to elected state positions or call for an emergency elected should any seat be vacated through death, resignation, or other circumstances. This order appears to take the governing of the state out of the hands of the people, as they would be at the mercy of Congress to appoint their own officials until the next scheduled election. It's unclear if the current or former state representatives were consulted regarding this change, or if any alternatives were considered.

The third order, E.O. 003, directs the long-awaited establishment of a "Bounty Hunting Certification". While vigilantism remains illegal, deputies can now issue a "Wanted Bounty" if approved by a judge. These bounties will allow licensed bounty hunters to pursue the targets for capture and transport to law enforcement. This is expected to particularly have an impact on New Austin, long-considered lawless territory where deputies cannot enter in pursuit of their duties without a group of six officers. Bounty hunters will be able to work alone or with others in their efforts to bring wanted individuals before the justice system.

The fourth order, E.O. 004, establishes most of Big Valley as "Devine State Park". This area, encompassing the Mount Shann and its foothills as long as the western forest down to Owanjila, is bounded by Strawberry to the south, Monto's Rest to the east, and Little Creek River to the north. While current residents and structures are not to be removed, the state park bars new developments, mining industry, logging, and hunting for trophy or profit within the boundaries of the park. This order appears to have been issued without consultation of the natives living in Big Valley, according to our sources, though Weevil News has been unable to reach them for comment at this time.

The fifth order, E.O. 005, designates many properties as "government buildings" owned by the state. In addition to sheriff departments, police stations, and Sisika Penitentiary, three estates have been official declared as "state property". The first of which is Braithwaite Manor, which is to be deemed the "State Marshal's Estate". The second is the Governor's residence on the northwest corner of Saint Denis. The third location is that of the Mallory Memorial Library and Archives, which have been seized at the order of Governor Devine to be the "State House". It is unclear if the residents of Braithwaite Manor were given the opportunity to weigh in on this decision or retrieve their belongings before the order was issued.

In speaking with head librarian Thomas Foster, Weevil News learned that he was not consulted prior to the announcement, which was issued while the Library's benefactor Winifred Lockheart was curiously missing. As we previously reported, Devine himself had made lethal threats against Miss Winnie, pointing a gun at her head when she objected to his attempts to extra-judicially execute an individual outside his authority as Governor. It's unclear if the state government will allow the seized books to be recovered from the library or if the state legislature will pursue an act to amend the results of this order.

The sixth and final order issued by former Governor Devine, E.O. 006, sidestepped the campaign promises of the incoming elected officials to establish "criminal justice reforms". Specifically, it was order that all fines associated with felonies shall be revoked and rescinded permanently. While misdemeanors will continue to have fines, felonies will only include prison time moving forward. Any outstanding fines in excess of TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS have been reduced to that amount, as well. While there are many within the state who rejoice at this change, it's likely the deputies themselves feel betrayed by the order. Weevil News has been told that deputies keep half of all fines paid as part of their income, so this will result in a substantial monetary loss for law enforcement who make a point of collecting fines owed.

It remains to be seen how the state government and its citizens will react to these last-minute orders, but one thing is clear. New Alexandria has been forever changed, and the landscape of our society altered. Only time will tell whether these orders will bring about positive or negative change, and we must trust in our new Governor and State Representatives to act accordingly in our best interests.

Diving Into The Caduceus Cross Medical Board

Diving Into The Caduceus Cross Medical Board

Dr. Hope Pisces, formerly part of the New Alexandria Medical Board, had become disillusioned with her involvement in that organization. She felt that her continued membership was upholding a legacy she disagreed with, so she left and started her own business, Caduceus Cross. This new medical board gave her the opportunity to continue working and pursue her own desires for the medical field.

She formed Caduceus Cross to train people and expand their knowledge of medical treatments. A lot of people panic when someone is hurt, and she wanted more folks to be able to act quickly and decisively to save lives in an emergency. Hope also established a system of consistent uniforms for professionals working under her purview, in an attempt to make them more readily identifiable and reduce the time it takes to identify a doctor or medic when one is needed. These uniforms have been a major help so far, serving a similar purpose to how deputies are identified by their white hats.

Unlike the deputies, however, Dr. Pisces made sure their trainees had a respectable outfit to wear. She feels that it's not helpful to embarrass trainees or make it look like their work is a joke. If people are laughing at them, it's difficult to do their jobs effectively. Even trainees deserve respect, and she wants their uniforms to let people know that these are people who citizens can go to when they need help.

One of her biggest accomplishments so far has been the establishment of a pricing system for medical care. While she and others will always provide treatment to those who need it, she desired to be financially independent and for doctors to receive recompense for the important services they provide. Just because doctors are working out of goodwill to help people, it's still a career; they deserve to be able to put food on the table for themselves and their families.

While it's been frequently discussed, the government has yet to provide legislation to pay doctors like they do other essential services such as law enforcement. Thus, Dr. Pisces took initiative to solve the problem herself. They now have a system that assigns a cost to different services, hoping people will understand the consequences of getting injured as it pertains to medical expertise and supplies. They plan to track individual debts and will use the legal system as appropriate if bills are not paid in a timely manner. However, they still try to be understanding of people's financial situations and will work with them to make reasonable accommodations.

Caduceus Cross has established seven main positions for members of its organization. As the Board President, Dr. Hope Pisces is the director of its operations, responsible for interviewing and determining probationary periods and training courses. She judges people's existing experience and places them appropriately for continued training to expand their medical knowledge according to their goals. She also undertakes consideration of all complaints and will take action if any ethical questions are raised.

As her deputy, Dr. Elylida Beaumonte serves as the Vice President of Caduceus Cross. She provides a second opinion in an advisory role to the Board President and acts in the same set of responsibility when she is absent. As leaders of the organization, they both also serve as Doctors. All Doctors can diagnose illness, train in surgical methods, provide patient consultations, and prescribe medications. They also often specialize in fields such as medicine, psychology, or toxicology.

The emergency responders of the medical board are the Field Medics. These professionals know how to dress bullet wounds, consult and prescribe drugs, and provide front-line trauma care. They are the experts in emergency medicine. Registered Nurses, on the other hand, act as low-grade doctors. They provide diagnoses, consultations, and prescriptions on top of emergency trauma care. They're the all-around generalists of Caduceus Cross.

Not to be confused with a Registered Nurse, the Nurse specializes in active care of patients. They are responsible for cleaning, dressing, and providing nursing care to individuals in recovery and active treatment. They are trained in first aid and ongoing care techniques such as providing saline to their patients. Last but not least, the Trainee position is where those without experience begin. Those under training for medical theory and qualifications will work alongside and shadow other members of the board, learning the ropes until they graduate to another position.

The board has been operating since it was licensed on July 25th, and it now has over TWENTY members. Three of the first four trainees became Registered Nurses within the first month, showing the success of the program so far. At the time of our interview, there were six Doctors (three probationary), three Registered Nurses, four Field Medics (one probationary), three Nurses, and five Trainees. Caduceus Cross works to bring like-minded people together and build a family. Joining the medical board is a way to get people off the streets and learn something that benefits society. They're here to save lives, save time, and get people to a medical professional faster!

Guarma Gives

Guarma Gives

When someone mentions Guarma, one often thinks of the waves that crash back and forth against its sandy beaches. Other times, people think of the trees that touch the blue skies or the birds that fill the air with their songs. For Mortimer Rivers, founder of Weevil News, and Kristy Davis, a new-found member of Caduceus Cross, Guarma was much more. In this article, Dr. Kristy Davis shares her thoughts on the outing that Mr. Rivers took her on as well as her impressions of Guarma:

Hailing from Bergen, Norway, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Where I’m from, we had plenty of beaches and places to walk along the shore. But we didn’t have many trees, most of those were burnt down from the fires started by war and hatred. So when we came to Guarma, it was like I was looking at a home I haven’t seen in so long; it was a home I missed. Seeing the pure blue ocean made me remember simpler days when kids would run into the cold waves laughing. Of course, I couldn’t resist but to drag Mortimer with me into the cold blue, I’m sure one of us will get a cold but luckily… I’m a doctor.

After we walked by the shore, we visited the small castle-like structure that overlooks Guarma. Weathered by age and storms, the castle still was magnificent even with its cracks and strewn bricks. It was as if I was some kind of princess and Mr. Rivers was meant to be my prince that would make me a queen. I’m sure he is some kind of prince, he definitely looked like one. He was dressed so fancy that I didn’t recognize him at first but I quite liked what he wore… it was different. It was for me.

Guarma gave so much more to me than its sandy beaches and tall trees that pepper it with natural beauty. Gaurma gave me a memory that I won’t soon forget, at least not anytime soon. Mr. Rivers showed me the beauty that Guarma had to offer and what it could mean to us, especially me. It was a piece of home that I needed, especially after everything that had happened. At the end of our date we visited a waterfall and shared food and chocolate- which was absolutely amazing. My family used to manufacture chocolate in Norway long before I decided to become a doctor. It was nice to feel like my parents were there with me for once, after all this time.

I can’t thank Mr. Rivers enough for the time we had and I can’t recommend Guarma enough to any couple wanting a unique outing. Guarma has beautiful sites that I haven’t seen or explored yet but I’m sure each one is more beautiful than the last. With crisp air and fresh views, Guarma is the place to go because it gives so much more.

Winifred Lockheart Found Alive In Guarma

Winifred Lockheart, benefactor of the Mallory Memorial Library and former Gubernatorial candidate, has been found alive and well. Having been missing since the day the election results were announced, many in New Alexandria were worried for her safety as the days stretched on. Her friends had begun searching for her and trying to get in contact, but no one had been able to ascertain what had befallen Miss Winnie. That is, until this Tuesday, when she was finally discovered in Guarma.

Weevil News has decided to withhold the majority of the details from publication for the privacy of Miss Lockheart, but we can share that she had sustained several grievous injuries and was severely malnourished when found. Thankfully, her friends were able to transport her back to Blackwater for emergency treatment, and a team of skilled doctors took her to Saint Denis for further evaluation. At this time, she is resting under observation as she recovers from her injuries.

Weevil News is elated to hear of Miss Winnie's recovery. We hope to learn more about the circumstances surrounding her injury and disappearance in the coming weeks and will share what we can as information becomes available. If you have any insight into what happened, please reach out to our publication as soon as possible. For now, we wish Winifred Lockheart the best in her recovery and look forward to seeing her around New Alexandria once again.