weevil news

Braithwaite 400 Ends In Historic Shire Victory

Held southwest of Rhodes, Saturday's Braithwaite 400 became a historic race for the New Alexandria Horse Racing Association. A beautiful track down in the county of Lemoyne, this race featured a deep field of nine racers, including many experienced riders who have performed well in past events.

The starting field was extremely exciting, with two shire horses posting the best qualifying times as Thatcher Ford (Mr. Horse) and Kevin Banks (Opie) claimed the front starting positions respectively. Representative-Elect Ada Lockwood started in third on her nokota Smokey, and Thadius LeBlanc rounded up the lead quartet on his turkoman Charlie.

The lone arabian in the race, Serious, started fifth with rider Saffron Mitchell at the reins. Coming off a decent performance last week, Georgia Banks (Rebel) looked to improve her finish coming from sixth position this time. Rounding out the field was Cyrus Jenkins on another shire, Ted, with the last two slots going to Luke Bourbon (Denim) and Sean McCree (Ranger).

With payouts of $400 for first place, $200 for second place, and $100 for third, excitement was high with onlookers cheering for their favorites to win. After a long and hard-fought race, the dust settled on a historic first - the victory went to a shire horse! Yes, Thatcher Ford and the shire he borrowed, Mr. Horse, managed to pull off the first-ever win for that breed. Even more convincingly, Kevin Banks and Opie redeemed their previous last-place finish to hold onto second for this race, the first time that any shire horses had finished in the money.

Taking home third prize was Thadius LeBlanc, a consistently solid NAHRA rider. Georgia Banks showed improvement as well, managing the race smartly to take fourth place on her turkoman. Surely not wanting to take the spotlight for herself after sponsoring her own event earlier in the week, Representative-Elect Lockwood still placed a respectable fifth in the field of nine. The rest of the results were as follows: Cyrus Jenkins (6th), Saffron Mitchell (7th), Luke Bourbon (8th), and Sean McCree (9th). Sponsored by Ford & Sons, the Braithwaite 400 turned out to be yet another intense, exciting event put on by Mr. Eddie Collins and his organization!

Clerk, Lockwood Victory; Double Runoff Scheduled

With 237 votes cast last weekend, the state election has been on the top of mind for many folks around New Alexandria for several weeks now. The hotly contested process featured strong campaigns from several candidates in both races. After dozens of campaign events, speeches, and letters to the public, the certified results finally came in on Monday.

The Governor's race came down to two strong contenders, Addison Flanagan and Winifred Lockheart. Running passionate, intense campaigns, they clearly captured the hearts and minds of the public. With 44% and 36% of the vote respectively, these two women captured a mammoth 80% share between them. Josiah Shepard posted a solid 10% in third place, with Cedric Worth taking 7% and the final 3% going to Jebediah Heyworth. Since no candidate got 50% of the vote, Miss Flanagan and Miss Winnie will face each other in a head to head runoff scheduled for this weekend.

That wasn't the only big news of the election, however! Henry Clerk captured a commanding 26% of the vote, with Ada "Dove" Lockwood taking home another 23% for herself. In a surprising result, both Elylida Beaumonte and Ramona Rider received exactly 103 votes for a 17% share each. This led the Attorney General Alexander Jefferson to give Governor Devine the tiebreaker through a coin flip that went the way of Miss Beaumonte among much uproar from attendees.

Witnesses report that Ramona Ryder gave a fiery, impassioned speech at the event, decrying the injustice of taking the result out of the hands of the people. While Elylida's response was notably far more muted in victory, she later released a statement apologizing for not standing up for the voice of the people after the Governor declared her the victor. A federal magistrate has since directed the Attorney General to void the results for the third seat, leading to a runoff between these two women in parallel with the final election for Governor.

The stage has been set for an epic rematch among these four amazing women in this weekend's runoff. Time will only tell who emerges victorious, and it's up to the people to make that decision. The election will resume Friday, August 14th at 8 pm EST, and polls will be open until the same time on Sunday. Make sure to head down to Saint Denis and cast your vote, it's time to make your voices heard, New Alexandria!

Eli Mixon Campaigns For Valentine Mayor

Eli Mixon, proprietor of The Pint Of No Return in Valentine, has decided to turnover a new leaf in life. After running the saloon for quite some time, he's been encouraged by many friends and local business owners to seek appointment as the town mayor. With people rallying behind him and little well-known opposition as of yet, Eli intends to be the new face of Valentine moving forward.

Weevil News spoke with Mr. Mixon, who said he hadn't really thought too much about politics prior to the state election. Now, he wants to be a go-between for lawfolk, business owners, and civilians in the area, working to improve communications between all camps. Eli wants to repair relations between deputies and the folks of Valentine, being a middle man to smooth this over and restore trust while also making himself available to deputies as a resource.

In previous weeks, Eli has been primarily focused on the creation of a business association, bringing entrepreneurs together for the betterment of Valentine. Now he wants to continue his focus on prosperity, pushing for new businesses to open around town. In particular, he hopes to see people operating out of the law office next to the gunsmith, as well as adding more stands at the west end market.

Valentine isn't the only thing Eli wants to change, however. He recognizes that he needs to strive for personal change to be a great mayor. He wants to kick his drinking habit and undergo hypnosis treatment for his hiccuping, aiming to transform into a more presentable leader for the Heartlands. Page two of his life will be focused on reform and brightening the spirits of folks around town. Eli Mixon is putting all his hopes and dreams into Valentine. As he always says, "It's a shithole, but it's our shithole. We're gonna make it the best shithole we can!"

Addison Flanagan Puts Politics Above Justice

Addison Flanagan has run a whirlwind of a campaign. In fact, she proudly proclaimed that fact this week, posting the calendar of her campaign events spanning every single day of the election season, often with multiple occurring in a single day whether or not Miss Flanagan planned to personally attend and meet potential voters at her own events. Now, while one cannot begrudge someone for running an intense, high-profile campaign, an incident of more concern took place before the polls opened.

On Thursday, July 30th, Miss Flanagan announced several showings of the motion picture show "Distressed In The West" by Paradigm Pictures. Two of these showings were scheduled for Sunday, August 2nd, according to a poster the Weevil News team gathered off the notice board. The second of these events was planned to take place at 9 pm EST in District 4, and therein laid the problem.

You see, something else was scheduled in District 4 on that evening. At 8:30 pm EST, Judge Tully planned to hear criminal charges being brought against an individual named Mister Happy by Senior Deputy James Walter and Attorney General Alexander Jefferson. This case was scheduled by the honorable Justice on Monday, July 27th, a full THREE DAYS prior to the campaign event announcement by Miss Flanagan.

As a result of these conflicting schedules, supporters of the Flanagan campaign swarmed to District 4 on August 2nd, overloading local train capacity prior to the event and preventing those involved in the court case from arriving on time. This causes a TWO AND A HALF HOUR DELAY in the proceedings for State v. Mister Happy, reportedly leaving Judge Tully furious. Rumor has it that they may even be considering levying Obstruction of Justice charges against Miss Flanagan after the election concludes.

As a duly elected State Representative, one would think that Addison Flanagan understands and respects the judicial process and the rights of citizens to have their charges heard in a court of law. So why, then, would she choose to schedule a campaign event on top of a court case, much less one where the Attorney General was bringing criminal charges? She cannot claim ignorance; she announced the event personally, and it was the only case on the docket that week. So, we are left to wonder - does Addison Flanagan value her political ambitions above due process of the law?

Fort Wallace 400 Crowns Brand New Champion

Expectations were high Wednesday night at the Fort Wallace 400, with history ready to be made no matter the outcome. Sponsored by the Winifred Lockheart campaign for Governor and Eli Mixon's mayoral campaign, NAHRA assembled a lineup of riders that had never won a race before. Even more impressive, they set a record with a double-digit field of ten for the first time, making the competition even more fierce.

Organizer Eddie Collins was happy to know that people wanna come out and compete in their events, noting that entry numbers continue to climb each week. This track was particularly interesting for such a race, being one of the largest ever. The average qualifying lap was upwards of 50 seconds, giving plenty of opportunity for the race to change as racers traversed the grounds. With complicated turns throughout the track, Thatcher Ford noted that it was one of the most difficult tracks they'd ever used.

The starting field was led by Representative-Elect Ada Lockwood (Smokey), followed by Patrick Cox (Duke), Georgia Banks (Rebel), and Kevin Banks (Opie) to round out the top four. The next section of the field included Eli Mixon (Stack), Sean McCree (Eastwood), Charli De La Croix (Red Fox), and gubernatorial candidate Winifred Lockheart (Revenge). Bringing up the rear were Charlene Eldridge (Browning) and Maria Spacito on a new, unknown horse.

Kevin Banks and Sean McCree hung back early in the race, with Mr. Banks making the first move to take the lead after several other racers ran into trouble at the turns. Eli Mixon, running his first race, had a tumble early, but he managed to work his way back up to the middle of the pack. Mr. McCree's conservation strategy let to him being lapped as Opie continued to surge, but he managed to get back on the main lap later in the race.

By the final laps, Kevin Banks had a huge lead, lapping Miss Eldridge around the final turn and nearly catching Miss De La Croix as he crossed the finish line in first place. Mr. Cox and Miss Lockwood finished in the money as well, with the following results for the rest of the pack: Winifred Lockheart, Maria Spacito, Eli Mixon, Georgia Bank, Sean McCree, Charli De La Croix, and Charlene Eldridge. While most of the riders were spread out as they finished the long race, Mr. Mixon was actually a close sixth behind Miss Spacito across the finish line.

The night's victory by Kevin Banks marked his second money finish in a row, after joining Thatcher Ford in a historic one-two shire placement at the Braithwaite 400. His rough last place finish in his first event gave him good 2.51:1 odds in the Fort Wallace 400, but there were no winning bets on the day. It's likely that Mr. Banks will come in under 2:1 for future races now that he's put up back to back impressive performances.

Speaking to him after the race, our winner felt really good about his performance. Before the NAHRA started hosting races, everyone made fun of Opie, he said, asking when he would get rid of the "big, fat, and slow" horse or put him down. When he heard about the races and decided to give them a shot, he wanted to give his horse a chance to prove himself. After a little trial and error in the first race (mostly error), he really dialed in his relationship with Opie.

After a couple practice runs on the Fort Wallace track, Mr. Banks felt he really got a feel for the troublesome corners. He noted plenty of obstacles to watch out for, including dangerous locals, wagon traffic, and the possibility of roaming wolf packs which thankfully didn't appear. The main problem other riders had in the race was cutting corners the right way, which is how he managed to pass a several people early on. Once he got in the lead, Kevin never looked back, just listening to Eddie and focusing on the laps. When he saw he was close to lapping someone near the end, he finally thought "Oh shit, I might have this" and pushed for the victory.

Mr. Banks is glad that he's been taking part in the races because it taught him how to conserve his horse while riding and gave him a better feel for Opie's rhythms. He's setting his next sights on NAHRA Vice President Thatcher Ford, who won the first two races he participated in. He'd then love to surpass three-time victor Josiah Shepard and his horse Godspeed, who is currently recovering from an injury. Kevin Banks plans to build on his success and become the first four-time winner in the history of New Alexandria.

After history was made yet again this week at the Fort Wallace 400, excitement continues to build for the next race hosted by the New Alexandria Horse Racing Association. Racing fans should take note of the upcoming Wapiti 400, arranged in cooperation with Chief Deerhorn and the Wapiti tribe. This event will again be sponsored by the Governor campaign of Winifred Lockheart as well as Valentine mayoral candidate Eli Mixon. It's sure to be another heart-racing intense outing, so be sure not to miss it!

What's The Matter With New Alexandria?

The following is an Editorial written by JD Holliday:

On Election Day, the results were tossed into turmoil as Ms. Ramona Ryder and Elylida Beaumonte were tied for votes running for state representative. The solution seemed simple. Allow a follow-on runoff against the two candidates. The governor's election was extended for another week. Why not allow the two candidates to continue campaigning and let the people decide? Upon strict opposition from the people attending the event, the Election Committee, the Attorney General, and the current governor decided otherwise. Their solution was to flip a coin.

I am Joshua JD Holliday, the Executive Director (ED) of the New Alexandria Legal Advocates Society (NALAS), and former ED to the New Alexandria Bar Association. This editorial opinion does not reflect the views, thoughts, and decisions of the NALAS or the Bar.

Upon hearing of the casual, cavalier methodology, and rationale used to select our esteemed state reps I decided to write this article to clear up misconceptions and misinterpretations of the New Alexandria Constitution. I'd also bring to attention the legal injustice that has plagued this great state. I now have a better understanding of why the election debacle came to be.

Two nights ago I had the unfortunate pleasure of listening to the Governor pompously speak in the Valentine Saloon. He went on about his accomplishments as he took pleasure in boosting his incredible ego. As I ignored his political spin, one thing caught my attention and I quote, "If I had it in my hands, horse thievery or other minor crimes would equal death. The people of this state have it easy". It was at this moment, I realized that this mentality is the poison that trickles top down into our justice system that erodes the confidence that people have for our established institutions. Therefore, it is not surprising that this authoritarian figure who cons the people into a false sense of security would exercise his perceived authority to decide the fate of an election based on a coin flip.

These are the people that point guns at harmless citizens wearing masks and threaten to throw lawyers out of towns for trying to help people that are being questioned and detained. These are the people that deny you the right to pay your own bail because they feel like it, regardless of what the Constitution states. These are the people that will fail to tell you of your rights to a trial and convince you that your only recourse is to do the time and pay the fine. These are the people that will hit you with the butt of their shotgun while detained in a jail cell. These are the people that will fine you for violating so called “town ordinances” for not petting a dog. These are the people that will detain and arrest you for looking suspicious. Or arrest you for looking like someone else. Finally, these are the people that pervert Article II Section III of the Constitution for their own gain.

  • 1b "State Representatives shall be elected by the Citizen population at large."

  • 2b. "Elections shall be a general pool of candidates, and the top three candidates in the election shall be appointed to each County by the Governor forthwith."

Based on 2b., the Attorney General would have you believe that the Governor has the right to PICK candidates in case of a tie. But what he fails to grasp is the Governor only has the right to appoint three candidates ONCE THEY HAVE BEEN ELECTED by the citizen population. What happens when there is four? Per the constitution there can only be three. Therefore, in order to be fully “elected by the people” logically, there has to be an election until a tie is broken. At which point, the Governor has the authority to appoint the three reps to their respective counties.

2b. ONLY gives the Governor the right to appoint the elected officials into whatever county he wants them to serve in. Not pick in an elected tie and certainly not by coin flip. Furthermore, the rationale for using a coin toss was because the AG believes that extending the election would cost too much money and no one would be satisfied no matter which decision was made. Both are not good reasons for deciding the fate of the people.

I am disgusted by the current government and their attempt to underestimate the intelligence of the good people of New Alexandria. I hope that the new State Reps and the next elected Governess can clean up the executive branch and bring trust back into our institutions. Listen to the will of the people and not pervert the Constitution. Finally, treat citizens fairly and objectively within the law with an open heart. Regardless if they are native, criminals, or ordinary people trying to survive in a harsh land. Not carry on a mentality of punishing people by death for minor crimes.

Signed, JD Holliday

Winifred Lockheart Encourages Voter Turnout

Speaking with gubernatorial candidate Winifred Lockheart after the election results were released Monday, Weevil News learned that her focus is more on a successful runoff than her own campaign. While she's elated by the support that catapulted her into a runoff with fellow candidate Addison Flanagan, Miss Winnie has made it a priority to encourage strong turnout in this weekend's follow-up voting.

While turnout was decent for the election last weekend, Miss Lockheart knows for a fact that there are more people in this state who need to have their voices heard. While many were able to make the trip down to Saint Denis, not all folks were able to cast their vote. Miss Winnie would like to ensure as many as possible are able to express their perspectives in this runoff, whether they support her or her opponent.

That's why Winifred Lockheart has decided to sponsor FREE transportation down to Saint Denis from anywhere in the state. She knows that traveling long distances can be dangerous and tiring, so she's made arrangements with the Riders Union to ferry voters to the polls. Union businesses like the Red Fox Express and Mortabello's The Portable Fellows will be on stand by throughout the weekend, so please approach any union member to request a complimentary ride to cast your vote!

Speaking of the certified results, Miss Winnie said she is extremely happy that Henry Clerk and Ada Lockwood were victorious in their campaigns for State Representative, but she believes there are even more voices yet to be heard. With these runoffs, everyone still has the chance to ensure they are represented in our new government. Speaking of ways to increase turnout in the future, she mentioned wanting to establish additional voting locations so that voters would not have to leave their counties to vote all the way in Saints Denis.

As Winifred Lockheart always says "Do not be afraid of your government, we are only here to help you. If we do a shit job, you can take us back out again." She encourages everyone to do their civic duty and make their voices heard. No matter who you support in this election, you deserve to have a chance to show that support at the polls. Express your opinion, New Alexandria depends on it!

Lockwood Honored By Victory; Supports Runoff

Weevil News had the pleasure of speaking with Representative-Elect Ada Lockwood after election results were certified. Speaking on her victory, she said it was an absolute honor that people put their faith in her, something she doesn't take lightly. She felt that speaking to her future constituents face to face is what made her grassroots campaign successful, with supporters saying they voted for her because she "took the time to listen". She's still getting used to the idea that she won, but Ada feels like she and fellow Representative-Elect Henry Clerk hit the ground running with a great start on Monday.

After the results were announced, an emergency legislative session was called to draft H.R. 14, "A bill to address and resolve ties in State Elections." Mr. Clerk and Miss Lockwood decided it was in the best interest of the people for them to be there and help with the drafting of the bill as incoming legislators. People present at the ceremony were clearly upset at how things had progressed, and that made it very clear something wasn't right about the process. Regardless of how sister states may have done things in the past, New Alexandria is its own state and the people were clear how they felt.

With Clint Masterson taking lead writing the bill, he called up the newly elected representatives and ran the wording by them so they could pitch in where necessary. Miss Lockwood said it was good to see what the process is like, even before assuming office. During the transition period in the next few weeks, the incoming legislators will be working with their outgoing peers to learn, observe and prepare for what comes next as the new legislative session kicks off.

Ada's first priority in office will be to focus on getting people the right to legal counsel in a wider variety of situations, so they're treated fairly throughout the process. She believes it's important for a third-party to be present during interactions with law enforcement to ensure an impartial witness to any events that take place while an individual in custody. Miss Lockwood believes there are many noble, hard-working deputies and vicious criminals in the state, but everyone deserves their day in court and many folks are in fact innocent. Having lawyers present will keep the justice system fair and honest, she says, and a little bit of oversight will provide immediate relief while they work on judicial reform for the long-term.

In working with the other legislators, Miss Lockwood is keen to follow the lead of those who have experience in other areas of interest, playing a support role in drawing up bills. In particular, though, she is looking forward to taking up bills to help those in the medical field, and she'd love to talk to primary and newly-trained doctors in the state to learn more about their needs and topics like mental health or salaries.

As the second highest vote getter in the election, Ada was absolutely thrilled to see Henry Clerk take the top spot, saying "If there was anyone I was hoping would make it into the legislature, it was Mr. Clerk." She spoke to his incredible skill with words as an author and praised the "solid head on his shoulders". She felt inspired by the phenomenal work he's done filling Blackwater with business and lively folk, and she said his election victory was thrilling and hard-earned!

Speaking on the upcoming runoff elections, Representative-Elect Lockwood doesn't feel that any of the remaining candidates would result in the state being in bad hands. While there are often candidates in an election who might be a bad fit for office, that's not the case with these four. Each has their strong qualities, she says, mentioning that Flanagan is efficient, Lockheart is empathetic, Beaumonte has experience, and Ryder has passion and a solid background. With so many highly qualified candidates, she finds it difficult to choose one to support in the runoff and would be honored to work with them all.

However, Miss Lockwood did make a point to show support for candidates that may not have as many of their good qualities being looked at by voters. For example, she feels that many people only see Winifred Lockheart's past and not the woman herself. Ada Lockwood supports Miss Winnie's campaign because her future and present matter more than her past. She believes that every person has a right to redemption and the chance to turn away from a life that may not have been ideal. They should be allowed to forge their own future, even as an elected member of government. Thus, Winifred Lockheart has Miss Lockwood's support in the sense that people are a little blinded by her past, and she has had the misfortune of being attacked over it, an action the representative-elect described as "cruel".

Ultimately, however, Ada Lockwood doesn't feel the runoff results are hers to call. She's more interested in seeing who the general public is rooting for at the end of the day, and that will determine who joins her in the New Alexandria government. Beyond that, she is ready to get to work. Just because she's not campaigning doesn't mean she doesn't want people to bring her their concerns and ideas, so they should approach her wherever possible. It's now more important than ever to hear from the people and stay on the right path, doinog what's necessary in a timely manner. This representative-elect is prepared to do just that!

Mix A Lot Of Spices At Lemoyne Fried Chicken

If there's one thing I cannot lie about, it's that I like big bottoms, especially those from Lemoyne Fried Chicken Company. No man or brother out there can deny that the delightful sight of them next to some small biscuits just makes you want to spring them into your face! Even the toughest fellows can't help but notice how Mr. Sanders stuffs those juicy bottoms full of flavor, and those delicious bites are sure to settle deep into your hips whether you're wearing trousers or brand new Levi Strauss jeans!

Once you get hooked on these bottoms, you won't be able to stop staring as they sizzle in front of you. Lemoyne Chicken Company's signature product is so popular that some customers have been known to ask for a photograph with their favorite piece, despite warnings that they might burn themselves from touching those bottoms too quickly. Once they've cooled down, however, the rumpled, smooth, and crispy skin is perfect for handling even while in the fanciest stagecoach.

Mr. Sanders' bottoms aren't your average group of chickens, no sirree! We've seen them dancing in the sizzling hot oil, so mesmerizing that couples have been known to throw romance out the window, they were so turned on by the sight. These bottoms sweat in the milk and egg wash, spinning through the mixing bowl like a turbo top until they're wet.

If you're tired of reading about flat, lifeless fried chicken, take an average customer at Lemoyne Fried Chicken and ask them about their experience! They'll all tell you that a great company will pack as much flavor back into those bottoms as they can. So fellows, are you going to get your girlfriends a juicy bottom? Just ask Mr. Sanders to shake them in his special blend of secret herbs and spices until they get a nice healthy coating!

Now, I don't know about you, but I like them bottom as round and big as they come. When I'm working a gig, I just can't help myself but tear into a juicy bottom like I'm an animal on the hunt. Now, I'm going to let you in on the real scandal; sometimes I like to take them home and eat TWO bottoms at once! That's right, I double up on those bottoms, but I ain't playing with 'em like a boy with his toys.

I just want 'em real thick and juicy, so if you find a couple juicy bottoms Mortimer's in trouble. I will literally beg you for a piece, especially if there's a nice crispy bubble in the skin. Sometimes, I look at round rocks and think I see juicy bottoms just knocking around the ground, but you can have those fake mirages, because I keep to the real, flowing juices of Lemoyne Chicken Company.

A word to those who have thick bottoms in their soul; I'm with you. I'm not going to cuss about it, but I've gotta be straight about the fact that I just want to bite into these bottoms from dusk until dawn. Mr. Sanders really has something special going on here, and while his competitors won't like to hear it, they're just quitters who won't stick it out and put in the time it takes to build a long industrious career based on a strong product.

So, ladies, if you're ready for some juicy bottoms of your own, turn your fancy wagons around and roll on up to Valentine. Stick it out through the long lines, because even those with the blandest of taste buds are shouting about these juicy bottoms. Lemoyne Fried Chicken Company's got it back in stock today!

Riders Needed For Wallace Station Deliveries

A call for workers has gone out as business picks up at the west end market in Valentine. With chicken, fish, paninis (some sort of Italian flat sandwich), and even non-food items selling at a brisk clip daily, plenty of goods are moving in and out of the thriving camp area. Now, many of these businesses are expanding their operations by providing delivery of their products to workers at nearby train stations.

The first route they've set up takes riders west to Wallace Station, just across the Cumberland Falls this gorgeous landscape is known to be riddled with wolf packs, making it difficult for potential customers to make the trek down to Valentine themselves. Thus, intrepid delivery specialists are being hired to bring food and goods up to the station itself, braving the dangers themselves for a cut of the profit.

Those with a good, fast horse and a durable satchel should head down to the market to pick up work any day of the week. Simply speak to the dispatch woman behind the tent across from the stables, and she'll give you a package with their latest orders to fulfill. Ride on up to the station where you'll find the customer waiting for you out front, and they'll pay upon delivery. It's as simple as that!

With the ongoing growth of Valentine bringing even more successful businesses to the Heartlands, it's only a matter of time until more delivery routes open up for intrepid riders. Get in on the business now and establish yourself as one of their premier delivery folk, and you'll surely be rewarded for your efforts. Plus, never forget that those who aim to distinguish themselves as transportation professionals should consider joining the Riders Union for extra benefits and networking throughout the community!

Total Pandemonium In Blackwater Shootout

Monday night, the streets of Blackwater were awash with chaos as gunfire erupted in the center of town. Riding in from the north, a posse of deputies descended upon the populace, guns blazing. The first victim was a startled yokel riding around the corner near the construction site. He pulled his gun in fright and was quickly taken down by the law enforcement swarm. They then spread down the main street, looking for their prey.

Witnesses described hearing gunfire near the recently closed Black Dog Saloon, coming in a constant barrage as deputies apparently engaged their quarry. White hats and other figures were spotted running through rooftops and through construction, dodging and shooting at each other. The scene was described as pure chaos, a truly unforeseen sight in Blackwater.

As things quieted down, witnesses saw Lady Corvus sneaking along the waterfront roofs, eventually reaching a horse and riding off into the hills. Moments later, an unidentified man jumped off the roof onto the back of a deputy's horse, apparently stealing it as he disappeared in the distance. It's currently unknown if either of these individuals were directly involved in the shooting or if there were any others engaging with law enforcement.

Deputies roamed the down for quite some time afterward, apparently oblivious to anyone and everything moving through the scene. Witnesses described being ignored as people snuck through the alleys to get closer to the area. Law enforcement even allowed people to approach them immediately after the shooting without investigating to see if they were involved.

Weevil News was unable to contact law enforcement for comment, as they were locked inside the Blackwater jail for hours after the incident. Regardless of who was involved or why it took place, one thing is clear; this was one of the most spectacular gunfights Blackwater has ever seen!