weevil news

Elylida Beaumonte Runs For A Second Term

As the only candidate campaigning for re-election, Elylida Beaumonte finds herself in a unique position. She is one of only two candidates with prior political experience and a track record that voters can evaluate before declaring their support. However, that track record can only tell so much. To understand Miss Beaumonte, one must understand where she came from prior to being a legislator.

Elylida got her start in New Alexandria working at the saloon in Valentine, where she spent much of her time. She had already served as a medic supporting the armed forces in the war, so she soon put those skills to good use in the local doctor's office. Being a doctor and ensuring the safety of saloon patrons allowed her to help a lot of people, but she saw an opportunity to do more.

At the time, people felt they couldn't speak to Governor Devine easily, but Miss Beaumonte knew differently. As one of the head doctors on the New Alexandria Medical Board, she had worked with him to eradicate cholera from Armadillo and McFarlane's Ranch, heading up the expedition to those disease-stricken lands. She originally ran for state representative to help make people's voices heard, to give them a chance to be more connected to their government.

As an elected representative, Elylida drove forward a number of major accomplishments in her first term. She pushed the government hard to fund the construction of a well-lit doctor's office at Emerald Ranch, allowing the folks there to be more self-sufficient as they had quick access to medical supplies without having to ride to Valentine. She also assisted in writing H.R. 11, the Crimes Against Justice, Reformation Act (CAJRA), which increased the punishment for Obstruction of Justice charges while adding new lower-level charges to give deputies new tools to differentiate between individuals who were actively interfering with the law versus simply fleeing from them.

Her greatest challenge in the first term was the writing of H.R. 1, which established the rules of order that allowed the legislature to pass further legislation, at a time when no such rules existed. Additionally, she felt that the focus on legislative process and the Wapiti Treaty held her back from being able to fulfill one of her campaign promises, though she did not elaborate.

Elylida has a number of plans to continue her work in a second term. One priority is to organize government cleanup of the Emerald Ranch saloon, getting rid of spiderwebs and dirt as well as sponsoring the addition of new furniture. She also plans to push for the irrigation of new farmland in Emerald Ranch, Blackwater, and up north on native land. Having heard a lot of concern from constituents over the consequences of property theft, she plans to push for additional fines that force criminals to reimburse victims for lost property and horses.

Miss Beaumonte would like to bring her experience back to the state legislature for at least one more term. She feels that many candidates are making promises that aren't possible to fulfill, a mistake she also made in her first campaign. Since the state is guaranteed to have at least two inexperienced legislators elected, she hopes to coach them on how the job works and help them understand the role. If she serves three terms, Elylida is considering running for governor to continue her service to New Alexandria, leaving a legacy of a stable legislature behind.

Despite being very busy with election season, Miss Beaumonte still takes her duties as a representative seriously. She strives to be approachable, accessible, and willing to talk to anyone regardless of their past, present, or future as a civilian, criminal, or state employee. She never turns people down when they make a suggestion, taking their ideas and seeking more perspectives to determine whether to push for immediate implementation or take the time to refine it further.

Elylida also constantly seeks to help people, baking biscuits for young children and needy folks around the state. With her background as a doctor, she believes everyone deserves to live, deserves a chance no matter what they do or who they are. She claims endorsements from fellow candidates Addison Flanagan, Ramona Ryder, Ada Lockwood, and Henry Clerk, business owner Frank Moses, and the New Alexandria Research Board, which she has personally funded to discover disease cures.

She's running to ensure the people's right to equal representation. She's running to be an accessible member of the state government, and her track record speaks for itself. Those who want to continue to build on the direction of the current government should consider a vote for Elylida Beaumonte. As she always says, "You give a little bit of respect, you earn a little bit of respect and vice versa."

Gemma Richardson Makes Impossible Robbery Escape

This week, Gemma Richardson decided to rob the Valentine General Store. Burdened by numerous debts and fines, this young woman was desperate to raise some cash to pay them off. So, she walked into the General Store one day and asked, kindly but firmly, for the cashier to hand over everything in the register. Unfortunately, as she was discussing the finer monetary details with the man, five deputies approached the building.

As the lawfolk began taking positions outside, she managed to talk two of them into heading off to take care of some other important matters. With three left on the scene, two took up positions flanking the front door while the third swept around to the back. They opened a dialogue with Miss Richardson, attempting to convince her to walk out the front door and give herself up.

As onlookers gazed from across the street, the deputies learned of Gemma's financial woes and tried to leverage that to resolve the situation. One deputy offered her TEN DOLLARS if she turned herself in without fleeing, and another doubled that amount. However, that wasn't enough to convince this robber from abandoning her plans, at least until the unthinkable happened.

A distant whinny and the sound of hooves caused Gemma to peer out the back window at the fleeing ass of her getaway horse, ruining her entire escape plan. Picking up on her distress, the deputies redoubled their negotiation efforts. As they droned on and on at her, however, Miss Richardson saw an opportunity.

Striding brazenly out the front door, she caught the deputies flat-footed mid-sentence. Stunned for a moment, they could only watch as their target fled across the street, jumping atop a horse hitched at the corner of the hotel. One of the deputies managed to dash across after her, barely missing the chance to pull her from horseback. As she turned west toward the open field, they attempted to commandeer a horse for pursuit.

Unfortunately, the owner of the horse loudly objected to losing possession of their steed, and the deputies were forced to watch a frantic flight toward the western gorge with no method of pursuit. At this time it is unknown if Gemma Richardson was ultimately captured by the deputies, but one thing is clear: this will go down as one of the most improbable escapes pulled off in recent weeks!

Governor Devine Flouts Law and Justice

Weevil News has learned of shocking actions recently taken by Governor Frank Devine. Last Wednesday, he took the law into his own hands and flouted the responsibility of deputies as well as the rights of his own citizens. To set the scene, however, we'll have to explain the events leading up to this incident.

Laughing Eagle, one of the now-disbanded Comanche tribe, decided to rob the Valentine General Store that afternoon. As a one-time acquaintance of his, gubernatorial candidate Winifred Lockheart attempted to talk him down and convince him to give himself up to the deputies. Unfortunately, he decided to make a run for it and was subsequently apprehended, being taken to the local jail.

The deputies allowed Miss Winnie to enter the jail to speak with Laughing Eagle so she could explain what had happened to cause his tribe to disband, as he apparently had been traveling and had not yet heard of those events. When the deputies tried to take his precious tomahawks, she also offered to hold onto them until he was released from his time in Sisika.

At this time, Governor Devine stepped in and confronted Laughing Eagle, asking why he was causing disturbances in "his town". (We leave it up to the reader to decide if the Governor can simply declare ownership of a town like Valentine.) Bringing up former Chief Red Dog, who was known to be harsh to Devine's government, he mused that the native should maybe follow in his footsteps and be hung for his crime. Devine then called him an "outlaw", a truly curious claim seeing as his own government recently passed legislation that legally defines an outlaw as someone who had been under a Wanted Bounty for over 72 hours, which clearly was not the case for this man.

Claiming that "outlaws" are not under the protection of the law, Governor Devine pulled out a gun and pointed it at Laughing Eagle's head, apparently ready to perform a summary execution himself. Miss Lockheart stepped in at this point, saying that the Governor does not have the power to mete out his own justice. He must treat the accused with respect and grant them a fair trial rather than simply decide to singlehandedly declare them an outlaw and perform an execution.

At this point, Governor Devine escalated the situation further, shockingly turning his gun on Miss Winnie herself with the words "Who the fuck are you?" Taken aback, she responded "I am Winifred Lockheart, currently running for Governor." Apparently realizing he'd crossed a line, Governor Devine quickly holstered his gun and everyone was able to leave the jail without bloodshed.

This entire exchange was witnessed by five members of law enforcement, several of whom have been named in a lawsuit against the Governor filed on Saturday by Miss Lockheart's legal representative, Joshua JD Holliday. These individuals included Deputy Jackie Saber, Deputy Jodah Erickson, and Recruit Deputy Jessica Darsen.

Weevil News spoke with Winifred Lockheart after the incident and asked her to comment on how she felt about an elected politician intimidating and threatening people in New Alexandria. "The people should not be afraid of the government. The government should be afraid of the people. If I fought for four days to get justice (when they tried to cheat her out of being a candidate), and I fought to make sure a man wasn't summarily executed by the Governor outside the law, how hard will I fight for the people as Governor?"

The people of New Alexandria will have to await the upcoming trial to see if Governor Devine will be held accountable for his actions, but one thing is certain. His belief that he is above the law and his subsequent actions to take the law into his own hands have tarnished the reputation of New Alexandria's government. The lost trust in our political institutions will hopefully be restored with his departure from office following this weekend's election, which cannot come too soon.

Lockheart For Governor - Against All Odds

Winifred Lockheart is a polarizing figure in New Alexandria. Known to many as the owner of the Library in Saint Denis (formerly Strawberry), she is also known as a former outlaw and pirate. Though she has paid her dues and put her criminal past behind her, there are many who still see Miss Winnie as an enemy of the state. However, she believes that her experience on both sides of the law gives her a unique perspective that can be leveraged to the benefit of all people throughout the state.

She believes that the scales of justice, the economy, and the social status of the people of New Alexandria are all out of balance, and she seeks to restore stability and equity for all. Miss Lockheart believes our criminal justice system is in need of reform, but she has not taken a prescriptive approach in this regard. Rather than claim that she knows every change that needs to take place, she instead plans to sit down with our law enforcement to review their standard operating procedures, ensuring that all civilians are treated fairly and in accordance with the law, regardless of innocence or presumed guilt.

Another concern she raised was the ability for convicted criminals to rehabilitate and pay their dues to society. The size of the fines levied for most crimes requires individuals to hunt day in and day out to earn enough money to pay back the state, leaving no funds leftover for their own well-being. This, of course, leads to a rash of over-hunting, threatening to upset the balance of nature in our fair state. There are very few, if any, alternative jobs that pay well enough to resolve a fine within the allotted time period, at which point further fines and time in Sisika are levied against those who cannot pay.

Miss Winnie believes that all people deserve to be treated with dignity and respect; in our interview she pointed to a recent event where an under-sheriff received a mere one-week suspension for beating a woman within an inch of her life while in the custody of law enforcement. She pointed out that if an officer with less seniority had committed such an act, they would have lost their badge immediately, raising concerns of consistent accountability within the department. All of these issues need to be resolved if we are to expect our justice system to assist people in turning away from their criminal pasts.

Returning to the question of providing citizens with viable career paths beyond hunting, this candidate had a strong answer. She intends to pursue government grants for licensed businesses, enabling business owners to invest in hiring more employees and providing jobs that can sustain people financially. She wants state taxes as well as her own income to be directed toward funding for small businesses such as butchers, saloons, gambling halls, and more. Miss Lockheart believes these grants are especially important for businesses that operate in the public interest rather than purely for profit, such as newspapers, libraries, schools, and so on.

In fact, she has already heavily invested in the education and reading literacy of New Alexandrians. As the owner of a library, she provides books for citizens to check out for learning and entertainment. She organizes classes for people to learn to read, a skill that is valuable for people to increase their earning capacity, run their own businesses, and be more involved in our modern society. Weevil News applauds increased literacy as a laudable goal for our state government, and one that very few candidates appear to be focused on in this election.

Miss Lockheart points out that, as a candidate, she has a unique perspective from multiple walks of life. She has seen both sides of the laws, having been a former criminal but also seeing the good work that our deputies can do. Who better to raise the visibility of our justice issues and lead the state toward more equitable solutions than someone who can truly understand both sides? Whether criminal, civilian, or state employee, she believes that all people deserve an equal voice in our government. After all, that is what makes this country great.

People should not be judged by the transcript of their past, she says. One cannot determine a person's worth by what's written down on paper; it is their actions and how they carry themselves in the public eye that shows who they truly are. Having become disillusioned with the criminal life since the death her captain, Miss Winnie has reinvented herself as a caring public citizen, investing her time and money in the public interest while staying clear of further misdeeds. She merely asks that the public judge her for who she is today, who she has become and tries to be for the future.

As Governor, Miss Lockheart plans to strike a different path from the position's current occupant. While legislation has moved slowly due to a disconnect between the legislature and the governor, who has been difficult to communicate and slow to sign bills, she intends to repair that relationship. She also pointed out that over-focus on the Wapiti treaty left the government unable to address the needs of its own people. While she respects the need to treat the natives respectfully, she does not see it as healthy that the people of New Alexandria were neglected for nearly an entire term.

Miss Winnie believes that a governor should meet regularly with their legislators and be prepared to sign bills into law the same day they are passed by the legislature. The more efficiently the government moves to enact laws that have been agreed upon, the sooner its citizens can benefit from the work their elected representatives are doing. The government should stand united together, working for the people. To that end, she endorses Ada Lockwood and Henry Clerk for state representative in this election.

Winifred's heart lies with the people. It always has, and it always will. She looks at the people around her and seeks to treat them with the same respect she wishes to receive. She believes all people should be seen as equal, and her fight for her own respect in the eyes of the people mirrors her desire to see the same for all of New Alexandria. As she said, "I am still held down, but these chains will not hold me down. I will rise up!"

Crazy Mason Black Has Gone Way Off Track

Weevil News has learned of a nearly unbelievable series of events that took place over the last week. Mason Black, owner of The Black Dog Saloon in Blackwater, has apparently suffered a quick fall from grace after numerous conflicts that left those who knew him questioning his state of mind.

As far as our investigation can uncover, this all started with Mr. Black kidnapping a member of the Kray family, who came to Blackwater to confront him over the heinous act. In the ensuing discussion, Mason claimed that he "ran Blackwater", appearing to think that his business empire gave him control over any and all enterprise in the port town.

The Krays disagreed but turned to walk away peacefully at the end of the conversation. That's when Mr. Black shot them in the back, cowardly attempting to take the lives of individuals he had already wronged once before. He also sent a general telegram to the district declaring war on the entire Kray family, though the reason for this dispute is still unknown.

For his actions, Mr. Black was arrested and his business license revoked, rendering him unable to operate his newly-opened saloon. This prompted him to attack Deputy Milo Reines in a rage, as well as express extreme displeasure toward political ally Elylida Beaumonte, who cut ties after he went off the rails. Mason was heard claiming that she owed him EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS, an obscene amount of money that raises the specter of possible political favors that might have been in the works.

The violence didn't stop there, however. The restaurant and saloon in Rhodes was shot up multiple times as Mr. Black seemed to think the proprietor and employees there were closely associated with Miss Beaumonte. The fallout continued as more business partners walked away from the crazed man, including his close associate Moondance and nearly all of his security and saloon employees.

Mr. Black didn't take too kindly to folks wanting to stay clear of him, even going so far as to attack his former employees and their families. In one case he even shot their horse and left a note about "cutting ties", calling them a "traitor" as well. Weevil News has also heard rumors of Mr. Black shooting someone in the face down in Saint Denis, continuing his rampage across the state. It's unclear at this point what measures the State's Deputies are taking to reign in Mason Black, but thing is clear; he's absolutely done in Blackwater.

Rhodes 400 Brings Runaway Excitement

The New Alexandria Horse Racing Association brought us another wonderful event this Saturday in the Rhodes 400. Held at the storied Caliga Hall, this seven lap race ran counterclockwise around the western tobacco field, creating a rectangular track with two long straightaways, quite different from the tight twists and turns of other locations. A prize pool of SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS was up for grabs, with four hundred going to the ultimate winner.

The qualifying laps promised an exciting race, with Thatcher Ford posting an impressive time while the other races all clumped within a second of each other. However, organizer Eddie Collins ruled that, as an experience racer and Vice President of the NAHRA, Mr. Ford must start the race in last place. As the fog cleared and sunrise beamed over the fields, the horses lined up in the following order:

Thaddeus LeBlanc (Charlie), Shawn McCree (Ranger), John Wyos (Horse With No Name 2), Georgia Banks (Rebel), Kevin Banks (Opie), Ryan Hastings (Moxxi), and Thatcher Ford (Blue) bringing up the rear. The stage was set for an exciting race at the only track that has ever had two races to date. Weevil News had the chance to speak with a few of the riders before the race, learning that this was the very first track Mr. Hastings and Moxxi ever raced on, the day they arrived in New Alexandria.

Chatting with power couple Georgia and Kevin Banks, they said they do everything together, including entering their first-ever NAHRA event on this fine day. They felt Caliga Hall was a fair track, with Georgia calling out the open gate near the starting line as her biggest concern and Kevin noting that turn four was a wide corner that could present trouble for riders. Even though he was starting just behind her in lineup, Kevin was confident that he'd finish ahead of her and be featured in the winner's circle by the end.

The race had a startling beginning as Thatcher Ford managed to surge from last place into the lead in just half a lap. Georgia Banks was close behind him in second, but the gap widened as the laps went on, with John Wyos falling to the back of the pack, right behind Ryan Hastings. By the time the last lap started, Thatcher had a commanding two turn lead over the others. With his victory inevitable, all eyes turned to the jockeying for second place.

Coming down the back stretch, Rebel began to flag, letting Shawn McCree move past her. Her slump worsened as John Wyos and Ryan Hastings suddenly surged from the back around turn three in a sudden burst of speed. Mr. Wyos gained incredible speed, closing the gap with Mr. McCree and passing him at the last second to take the second prize. As the others crossed the finish line, onlookers were treated to one final spectacle; Kevin Banks was bucked by Opie as he came down the final stretch, apparently dissatisfied with being pushed so hard in the race. Mr. Banks was forced to finish on foot, a move that would have disqualified him had he not already been in last place.

The final results were as follows: Thatcher Ford (Winner), John Wyos (Second), Shawn McCree (Third), Ryan Hastings, Georgia Banks, Thaddeus LeBlanc, Kevin Banks. As we caught up with Mr. Ford after the race, he seemed completely unsurprised by the result. He said he didn't feel too different about winning, as he never really loses unless he wants to. It's clear that Thatcher Ford and his Nokota steed Blue are on another level, making it obvious why he's a constant presence in the racing scene.

Rocking Horse Entmt Rocks Into Saint Denis

Three visionary entrepreneurs are breathing life into the culture of Saint Denis with the upcoming formation of Rocking Horse Entertainment. Dorian Granger, Sasha Stroganov, and Isabelle Tremblay have teamed up to launch this brand-new company aimed at re-establishing the city as a cultural center.

They'll begin operations at the Bastille Saloon this coming Saturday, welcoming all locals and travelers to stop in for food, drinks, singing, and dancing whenever they're seeking respite from their dreary toils and long travels. A premiere watering hole at the corner of the main square, the Bastille is considered one of the best entertainment destinations in Saint Denis.

That's not all, however. Rocking Horse Entertainment plans to look beyond the liquor business to coordinate a wide variety of events throughout the city and surrounding area. They'll be hosting "Story Time", reading various tales written by local authors. Gambling is another pastime you'll find at the saloon, including blackjack and dice games. From scavenger hunts to walking tours of Saint Denis, there will also be plenty of opportunities to explore the city as part of their events.

You can also keep an eye out for horse races and other exciting events in the works. The people of Saint Denis will experience a deluge of new activities once Rocking Horse Entertainment opens its doors. It's clear that these entertainment specialists will be keeping up a steady pace of excitement in the weeks and months to come!

Suck On A Plump Breast At Lemoyne Fried Chicken

The good-natured Mr. Sanders, owner of Lemoyne Fried Chicken Company, only has one goal in mind: He wants to stuff his juicy breasts in your mouth! These, plump, succulent delights have been exposed as the company's most prominent feature. They truly stand out among the many tasty items you can sink your teeth into. Lemoyne Fried Chicken shines thanks to its secret blend of herbs and spices that give it a unique, flavorful burst in every bite.

Dipping them in a perfectly balanced milk and egg wash, Mr. Sanders carefully massages each breast to ensure they're filled with as much milk as possible. He then ensures each breast is artfully covered, keeping them from being too exposed to the air. Failing to do so causes the breasts to dry out and become overly stiff, to the point where they're unpleasant to suck on.

That's when each breast is flopped into the oil, lathering their curves until they shine like a glistening lake. Mr. Sanders keeps them in the oil just long enough to achieve a nice bronze color, indicating that the breasts have reached peak flavor. Customers will be licking their lips by the time they get their hands on a couple of Mr. Sanders' breasts!

Located across from the butcher in Valentine, Lemoyne Fried Chicken Company has a constant stream of customers lining up to suckle on their fresh breasts. For only $5, you can order them in crispy or extra crispy, the premium option for the true breast connoisseur. You won't have experienced true pleasure until you wrap your lips around Mr. Sanders' plump, juicy breasts!

Trees Fall But Jobs Rise At Monto's Rest

The forests around Strawberry are known for their quality lumber, especially in the area east of town known as Monto's Rest. The serene slopes of Mount Shann ring with buzz of saws and the clang of axes; the lumberyard there has cleared a vast swath of trees already. To support the ongoing construction boom throughout the state, the foreman there has sent out a call for workers to help process the lumber as production continues to accelerate.

Ride on up to the clearing and speak with the foreman to be provisioned your equipment, a freshly sharpened and gleaming ax. You'll be asked to grab the logs leftover from cutting up the various tree trunks, as they tend to pile up and clog the thoroughfare through the camp. In order to keep the operation running at peak efficiency, they need folks to clear these piles as quickly as possible.

Take your ax to the log pile quickly and put your back into it, chopping them into easily-transported firewood. While the foreman can't offer much in the way of pay, he'll happily let you take any and all wood you've chopped, as much as you can carry. The faster and harder you work, the more wood you can take with you.

In addition to being useful for campfires, cooking, and other daily pursuits, fine lumber like that found at Monto's Rest fetches a nice price at any general store. So, pick up an ax and help contribute to the local economy while earning a pretty penny for yourself at the same time!