weevil news

Annesburg Mining Company Hiring Strong Workers

Are you weak of mind but strong of body? Annesburg Mining Company wants you! The coastal town is currently experiencing a mining boom that can only be described as "explosive". With operations currently in full swing, the mine is in desperate need of workers to continue expansion.

Workers need only be willing to work long shifts swinging a pickaxe in the tunnels west of Annesburg. Simply fill up a mine cart with ore and load it in one of the wagons waiting outside, then drive the wagon down to Van Horn Trading Post, where it will be loaded onto boats to be taken down the river and sold in Saint Denis and Blackwater. Each trip pays a grand NINE DOLLARS, giving hard workers plenty of money to spend at the local saloon.

Contact the foreman inside the mine to inquire about employment. Annesburg Mining Company is currently accepting temp workers, so ride out east and make your fortune!

Mortabello's, The Portable Fellows

A revolution in transportation is sweeping New Alexandria as two entrepreneurs joined forces to create Mortabello's, The Portable Fellows! Co-Founders Mortimer Rivers and Joey Portabello have combined their business ventures to provide superior service for their customers.

Prior to founding this new business, Mortimer Rivers was the proprietor of Parcel Express, once a competitor of Portabello Portables by Joey Portabello. After realizing the improvements that could be made by working together, the two businessmen have decided to work together on this new venture. They will also be hiring more employees in the near future to increase their availability for potential customers. They will be operating offices out of Valentine (the old Freight Station) and Saint Denis (TBD) or can be reached by telegram to arrange new business.

Mortabello's will be providing a wide array of services, including delivery of parcels, goods, and provisions, transportation of valuables, wilderness tours, and more. Going out on a hunting trip or searching for gold? Hire Mortabello's to bring your wares back to town to sell on your behalf. All business is kept strictly confidential, so you can count on The Portable Fellows to be at your side!

Rhodes Bank Robbery Turns Into Shootout

The fine citizens of Rhodes had their peaceful town disrupted Saturday night as a violent gang descended on the local bank. Quick response from local law enforcement escalated the situation into a shootout, leaving many wounded in the area.

At this time, Weevil News has no information on the identity or whereabouts of the gang, though it is believed that they regularly operate in the area of Rhodes. Given the scale of both the violence and valuables taken, several bounty hunters are seeking those responsible in hopes of a large payday. Surviving law enforcement could not be reached for comment on this story.

Riders Union Formed - Seeking Members

The formation of the new Riders Union was welcomed with much fanfare at its inaugural meeting in Valentine on Saturday. The union aims to represent all those in the transporation industry, from wagoneers and stagecoach drivers to horseback messengers and delivery folks. For a mere TWO DOLLARS a week, Union members gain an array of benefits including mutual protection, industry exposure, and access to potential employees and business partners.

Union co-founder Mortimer Rivers was selected as Chairman of the Union Board and will be handling public matters for the Union. He had this to say about the momentous occasion: "I am quite proud of this step forward in bolstering the success of Riders everywhere. It is time for us to stand up and organize our labor together, for the betterment of all!"

The Riders Union plans to recruit members in all districts and will eventually select a Union Boss to manage operations in each district as the organization expands. Inquire with Mortimer Rivers in Valentine for more information about joining the Union. The Riders Union is here to help, "Riding You To Success!"

Valentine General Store Set Ablaze

A local man set fire to the Valentine General Store on Saturday Afternoon. After several run-ins with passerby that had to be broken up by the law, the seemingly drunk man wandered into the General Store while those nearby attempted to calm him down.

As the law approached to keep the man calm, he yelled at them to stay back and began throwing fire bottles at the windows from inside the building. The front entrance of the General Store quickly caught fire, spreading to the front porch and the support beams for the balcony above.

Law enforcement surrounded the building and managed to apprehend the man as he tried to sneak out the back of the building during the confusion caused by the fire. Unfortunately, no bystanders were able to find water fast enough to put out the fire as it spread across the entire front of the building. Luckily, a storm rolled into Valentine minutes later, putting out the fire before it consumed the entire building.

The General Store has remained open for now, but it is surely in need of extensive repairs after this incident. We hope that the community will come together in these tough times to help rebuild our beloved store that provide us with so many needed goods and provisions!

Weevil News Launches Amid Fanfare

New Hanover has a new paper of record as Weevil News opened its doors in Valentine this weekend. Helmed by veteran newspaperman Mortimer Rivers, it aims to bring a new information source to the central plains.

Mortimer comes to Valentine with years of experience, having written previously for The Saint Denis Times' sports section. As the paper's founder and editor, he plans to usher in a new era of newsworthiness to towns long-deemed irrelevant by more established papers.

"I believe that news can be found everywhere, not just in larger, so-called 'civilized' cities," said Mr. Rivers. "The people deserve to live informed lives, and Weevil News aims to provide them with that satisfaction!"

Weevil News plans to launch at just ONE DOLLAR an issue, making the paper accessible to any and all interested parties. They are also actively hiring salesmen, writers, and other employees. Inquire with Mortimer Rivers at their office in Valentine for more information!